Feature Image by Christin Hume

Have you been crushing it at work, rocking your role for a while, or just realized you’re underpaid? In any case, it might be the perfect time to ask for that well-deserved raise. Though negotiating money matters can be tricky, there are a handful of smart things you can do to make asking for a raise feel much easier.

Up to the challenge? Read on for five tips that’ll help you sell yourself while proving your worth.

Talk about the company instead of just you
Chances are that your raise will do good for your team and company — not just for you. How? Consider the money and time a business can save by keeping long-term employees instead of dealing with costly churn and turnover rates. To own this point like the pro that you are, frame your ask in a way that makes it easy to see how a raise can benefit everyone rather than making it all about your personal gain.

Confidently state your case
You already know you deserve a raise, so act like it. Be confident and specific about what you’ve done to date and clearly note what you’re looking for and why you deserve it. When you can show it and believe it, other people will too!

Adopt an alter ego
Still feel a bit shy, undeserving, or even freaked out? Ditch your imposter syndrome stat by adopting an alter ego or power pose to help you branch out of your comfort zone.

Prep for objections
It’s not uncommon to face objection or questions when asking for more, but don’t let that stop you. Instead, get inspired and fired up by being ahead of the game. Make a list of potential objections and prepare responses with examples to help further your case.

Be calm and collected
You might feel shy, scared, excited, or even upset, but don’t let emotion get the best of you. Even if you don’t get the raise you want, keep working hard and show how professional you are and try again in a few months — you’ll make an impression everyone will remember.

xx, The FabFitFun Team