
From as early as we can remember, we were told to eat our veggies, exercise regularly, and floss daily. There’s a lot of emphasis on the importance of physical health – as there should be – but not quite as much on taking care of your mental health.

Yet, your mind is just as important as your body, so make taking care of your mental health a priority this year. By doing so, you’ll notice a huge difference in your mood, productivity, and overall health when you practice these tips.

Have an attitude of gratitude. Happiness is born from the gentle power of gratitude. Focusing on the people, experiences, and things around you, rather than the things that you feel like you’re missing, will help you recognize just how #blessed you are. Take time each day to recognize the simple things that made you smile.

Foster your relationships first. As much as a nice cup of coffee or a new pair of shoes can temporarily satisfy you, real fulfillment and sense of purpose come from the people around you. Make time for your friends and family whom you love, and love you back. Even sending a text saying “Hey, thought of you – hope you’re having a great day!” will make both of your days.

Treat yo’self. OK, relationships come first. But don’t forget that you also have take care of your relationship with yourself. Hanging out with yourself (aka “masturdating”) is so essential! Treat yourself to a mani/pedi or an evening in with a good book and cup of tea. Or simply just look in the mirror before you go out and tell yourself you look hot as hell. If you don’t cultivate love within yourself first, it’s impossible to extend it to others.

MeditateInstead of hitting that snooze button (again…), take five minutes in the morning to meditate. It’ll actually help you wake up and clear the clutter from your mind before you begin your day. Sit cross-legged, breathe deeply, and think about what’s on your to-do list. Give yourself the positivity you want to carry for the rest of the day.

Digital detox. The average American spends about 10 hours a day looking at a screen. Make a conscious effort to unplug once in a while. Take breaks at work, read a book instead of watching TV, or get dinner with a friend instead of FaceTiming them. Furthermore, try not to get caught in the “social media trap” of comparing your life to others or trying to get more “likes” — because that just breeds insecurity and exhaustion. If you get stuck scrolling through your friends’ news on Facebook, then install this plug-in that gets rid of your timeline and replaces it with an inspirational quote. If you find yourself cycling through social media apps just because you can, keep them in a folder on the second page of your phone screen, or delete the apps (not your accounts) entirely. It’s your prerogative, of course, how clean of a “detox” you want, but getting away from the pixels will definitely plug you back into the real world, and to yourself.

xx, The FabFitFun Team