If you’ve been waiting for your “perfect” bikini body, you have something in common with Lesley Miller.

But Miller isn’t waiting anymore, and she’s defying body image norms with her first ever bikini pic on the Facebook page Love What Matters — and we couldn’t be more inspired.

The photo has gone viral and Miller also shared about her past struggles with body acceptance.

She explained how she had spent all of her life waiting for her body to look how it was “supposed” to and the obstacles she faced, including being mocked by classmates at just 3-years-old, trying to shed pounds with Weight Watchers at 7-years-old, and even having weight loss surgery at 11-years-old.

“I told myself that one day I would finally let myself be seen; I would finally do all of the things I dreamed of when I was enough,” Miller said in the Facebook post. “Thin enough, happy enough, confident enough. When my body looked the way that it was “supposed” to.”

But she has since learned to accept and love herself exactly the way she is.

“…I was always enough. And you are too.”

xx, The FabFitFun Team