Instagram has been making a few changes recently, so we decided to do a little diggin’.

You’ve probably seen the slew of ‘turn on post’ notification posts on your Instagram feed. The sitch on that? Instagram is reportedly changing the algorithm of your feed which means they are changing the order of when photos show up on your feed — this has been essential to brands and users who are dependent on organic growth.


As of late, photos show up in a reverse-chronological order so you can see the newest posts first and scroll through to photos that were shared later in the day. However, the new algorithm means photos that Instagram believes to be more relevant to you will show up on your feed first – similar to Facebook’s current newsfeed. So whether it’s photos of your cousin’s new baby or your fave brand’s flash sale, Instagram is looking to declutter people’s feeds!

Instagram has received mixed comments on the algorithm change and have yet to fully implement it as they are testing it within a select group of users.

Additionally, Instagram is selectively testing another new feature and our inner stalker is creepily leaping for joy.

The new search bar will enable you to look through and search for specific users on an account’s ‘Followers’ and ‘Following’ list. Now you don’t have to endlessly scroll through your stalkee’s list to see if they’re following your ex-boyfriend.

Check out this video from Mashable’s Raymond Wong who is one of the lucky few to try out the new feature.

What are your thoughts on Instagram’s changes? Let us know in the comments below!

xx, The FabFitFun Team