Sometimes life will throw you a curve ball and you might make a mistake or two whether it’s with your career, relationships, finances, etc. It’s hard to forget about a mistake but after a handful of “oopsies” and “uh-ohs”, we figured out a few methods to help you move on.

Think of the Big Picture
The next time you make a mistake, make sure to look at the big picture. Ask yourself will this be a big deal a week or even a month from now? We should always take a step back and look at our mistake from a neutral perspective. Remind yourself that every cloud has a silver lining and sometimes, these mistakes tend to be for the best.

Acknowledge and Learn From It
When you make a mistake, take it as a lesson and benefit from it by growing yourself. Mistakes will always happen so acknowledge what you did and learn from it. You can use your past mistakes to learn about yourself and figure out how to be better and smarter.

Show Yourself Some Self Care
Sometimes we can be our worst enemy and we’ll beat ourselves up for a small mistake. We usually make things seem way worse than they are — breathe and show yourself some self love. Take a yoga class, get a massage, or read a book in the park. Treat yourself as you would your BFF after a stressful day. You wouldn’t tear them apart for making a mistake, so why would you tear yourself down?

Forgive Yourself
When it all comes down to it, you have to forgive yourself. Forgiveness is what helps us move forward in our lives. If you hold onto anger or resentment for making the wrong move, you will never learn from future mistakes. You’ll only stress yourself out even more!

Pour Yourself a Cocktail
We aren’t recommending alcohol as a solution to your problem but at the end of the day, your fave cocktail or large pour of wine can help you feel better after a stressful day. You will look back and realize the mistake you made wasn’t as big as you thought, or you actually learned from it.

Do you have any tips for moving on from a mistake? Let us know in the comments below!

xx, The FabFitFun Team