Lower back pain is one of the most common forms of pain, with at least 80% of Americans reporting it at some point. Fortunately, it’s also treatable. Here are a few ways to alleviate your lower back pain, according to experts.

Maintain good posture
Good posture doesn’t just make you look more confident and authoritative; it’s good for your health. Nakia Marunowski, registered nurse and founder of The Concierge RN, suggests thinking of your pelvis as a bowl that’s holding something you don’t want to spill out. “You can accomplish this by pulling the gluteal region inwards and even clenching the area a little,” she says. You should also keep your abdomen tight and pulled in and bend at your knees, not your waist, when you’re lifting something.

Take supplements
Certain supplements can help with chronic pain, says Marunowski. Turmeric is good for reducing inflammation, skullcap is known to loosen skeletal muscles, and magnesium promotes muscle health and relaxation.

Use hot and cold therapy
When your muscles get tight, you can use ice or heat packs — just make sure to use moist heat, not dry, says Marunowski. A bag of frozen peas may be a good alternative to an ice pack because it’s easier to mold around your hips and other curves, says nurse practitioner Dr. JB Kirby.

Use a backpack
If you’re using a large over-the-shoulder bag, this could be tough on your back because it puts all the weight in one place, says Kirby. A stylish backpack will instead distribute the weight evenly so that no one part of your back is carrying too much.

As always, consult your doctor for advice on any medical issues.

xx, The FabFitFun Team