We’ve all been there – you push your holiday shopping off until the last minute and you race from store to store in search of the perfect gift.

While the thought of going to the mall seems crazy, there are actually a few ways to ease your last-minute shopping struggles. Ahead, we share our best tips on how to survive last-minute gift shopping.

Make a list (and check it twice)
Instead of deciding what to buy at the store, make a list of what you’re going to buy before you get to the store. You don’t want to waste time by aimlessly sifting through store racks and shelves! Not only will it prevent any forgotten gifts, but your trip to the mall will be much more efficient.

Set your budget
While making your list, set a spending limit too. You’ll be less likely to overspend on gifts and run the risk of not having enough for other people on your list.

Shop online
No, it’s not too late to completely ditch the mall and shop online. Most retailers set special shipping timelines to ensure you get your gifts before Christmas. Just head on over to various retailers’ web pages for all the deets.

Choose your shopping day wisely
Don’t mind the crowded malls? Shop on the last Saturday before Christmas (aka Super Saturday) as stores often have the best deals. On the flip side, if you’d rather avoid the crowds, shop on Christmas Eve — most people will have finished their holiday shopping by then.

Still can’t find the perfect gift? Take the guesswork out of holiday shopping and gift them a FabFitFun gift card.

xx, The FabFitFun Team