You’re on a first date with that cute guy you’ve been eyeing at the gym and suddenly you have the urge to run to the bathroom. Or maybe it happens during an interview for your dream job, in the middle of giving a presentation at work, or every time you’re standing in line waiting to check out at Target.

If you experience the uncontrollable urge to go number two at the worst times, know that you’re not alone.

What causes it?
According to Dr. Kyle Staller, a gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, your brain and your gut are constantly talking to each other. The brain-gut connection is real, and it can be incredibly powerful. It’s actually common for people to feel the urge to go number two when they’re nervous or stressed out.

“Your gastrointestinal tract has many nerves and is a nervous system organ much like your brain,” Staller says. “The brain can impact what’s going in the gastrointestinal tract and vice versa.”

When your body is under stress, the fight or flight system kicks in. This increases your heart rate, often causes your hands to sweat, and leads to the undeniable urge to empty your bowels for one in four people.

Any remedies?
Thankfully, however, there are a few effective ways to avoid having your entire day go down the drain. According to Dr. Daphne Ang, the senior consultant of gastroenterology and hepatology at Changi General Hospital, you can make a few important lifestyle changes to help resolve this gut-wrenching issue.

Certain foods like coffee, tea, and chocolate stimulate your gut and make the anxiety related runs even worse. Dairy, cheese, and greasy foods can also further upset your stomach. Instead, fuel up on water and fresh vegetables, which will help take additional pressure off your gut and hopefully stop the mad dash to the restroom.

Dr. Ang also recommends avoiding food completely before an event that’s likely to stress you out because eating triggers contractions in the large intestine. If your nerves are making you work overtime, it can be impossible to control your bowels when anxiety settles in.

Practicing calming exercises like meditation or yoga before a big event can also be helpful. Even taking a few deep breaths can give you the relief you need. Basically, the key to controlling the urge to go number two at the worst times is finding ways to manage anxiety and calm your nerves.

xx, The FabFitFun Team