You did it. You’ve made the decision to quit your job and move on (deep breaths…you can do this!). But before you storm into your office and say “I quit!” remember that there are unspoken rules to follow when quitting a job. After all, you should want to leave with grace and dignity so as not to burn any bridges.

Why? It’s crucial to leave your name untarnished for future networking events and any chances of a recommendation letter. Unless stated otherwise by an existing contract, two weeks is the standard time to put in a resignation letter. So keep these tips in mind when putting in your two weeks notice.

Have the conversation in person
Just like a breakup, it’s always best to have the conversation in person. If you work in-office, then this is a must. Your boss should hear it straight from you before hearing it from anyone else. Tell your boss first and your co-workers second. Also, be prepared to hand in an official letter of resignation that spells out all the details during the in-person conversation.

If you work remotely or are unable to talk in person, send a letter
Nowadays, email makes everything faster. If you’re working for a freelance, project-based, or remote client, sending in your two-weeks notice via email makes sense if this is your main form of communication. Keep your letter of resignation precise, matter-of-fact, and straight to the point. You can also offer to set up a phone call to discuss further details.

Don’t focus on the negatives
Let your boss know your situation is changing or that you have decided to take your career path in another direction. You can communicate this without letting them know every detail of your next move or all the negative reasons why you are leaving the company. You can offer feedback if asked and offer ideas on how the business can improve in certain areas. If so, keep it short and pithy.

Iron out the details of your resignation
In your conversation, letter, and email, you should specify your expected last day and the details of the projects you’ll complete before you leave. Be sure to discuss employee benefits and salary you are entitled to upon leaving. Do you need to help train the person taking your place? Are you closing out a specific project or handing it off to someone else in the company? Clarify your boss’ expectations for your last two weeks and what they will need you to get done.

Give a warm goodbye to your employer and co-workers
Thank your boss for allowing you be a part of the company and its mission. A gracious attitude will take you a long way. Bid farewell to your co-workers in person. Leave personalized thank you notes for team members you especially enjoyed working with. These gestures will not be forgotten and can help you network in the future.

xx, The FabFitFun Team