Feature Image by @monichang

We’ve all been there – we take time off only to find ourselves sneaking peeks at emails, answering non-urgent work calls, or (worst of all) spending precious vacation time typing away at a project.

Why do we do it? Furthermore, is it even possible to fully disconnect without feeling like your career could come crumbling down? The short answer is yes – there are ways to ensure you have a healthy work-life balance and to take that paid time off without feeling a wave of guilt.

Here are three tips to completely unwind on PTO, according to Manhattan-based licensed therapist Risha Nathan.

Check in with yourself
“Oftentimes, we’re checking in not because it’s being asked of us, but because we’re uncomfortable letting go in some way,” Nathan says. Start by asking yourself: Are you anxious about letting others cover your workload? Are you worried that if you don’t check in, you’ll be going back to a mess when you’re gone? Whatever it is, accept what’s bothering you, then come up with a plan of action.

Set yourself up for success
Before taking time off, Nathan suggests scheduling conversations with your team. “Check in to make sure things are set up so that you’re more likely to feel comfortable disconnecting for a bit,” she says. If you have a work project that only you can complete or approve, plan accordingly, so you’re not stressing about it during your time away.

Decide ahead of time if “check-ins” are really necessary
“If a daily check-in helps you disconnect the rest of the time, go for it,” Nathan encourages. “Conversely, if you feel good fully closing down emails and notifications, and you know you’ll be able to let go of the idea of knowing what’s going on – go with that.” It all comes down to what you need from your time off. Have you been feeling burnt out? Do you just need a change of scenery? Whatever it is, figure out what you want to get out of your vacation, then decide if you need to completely unplug or not.

xx, The FabFitFun Team

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