Do you usually get that 3 p.m. hankering for something sweet or something salty? Next time a craving hits, try one of these three tips to avoid an unnecessary food binge:
Hydrate. Make sure you’re drinking a sufficient amount of water during the day. Many experts recommend drinking 64 ounces (or eight 8 ounces glasses) of water per day. Often, drinking a glass of water will make you feel full.
Ask yourself if you’re actually hungry. A lot of cravings actually arise out of boredom; maybe you’re not actually hungry. Try to focus on starting a new task to shift your attention and see if your craving dissipates.
Satisfy your craving with a healthier substitute. If you absolutely must have something sweet, have a piece of fruit. If you have a hankering for something salty, nosh on a handful of nuts.
If diet is half of the equation, exercise is the other half. Visit The Workout Girl for circuit workouts you can do at home or anywhere.
xoxo, Workout Girl
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