Whether you’re working at an office or picking up your kids from daycare, you’re putting yourself at risk to catch some scary germs. Avoid getting sick by following these diet and fitness tips from webmd.com to boost your immune system.
Stick to Your Workout Routine
Raising your heart rate for just 20 minutes at least three times per week can increase the level of leukocytes, which are immune system cells that fight infection. Get your sweat on and keep the germs away! Check out theworkoutgirl.com for print and go workouts you can do anywhere.
Gobble Up Antioxidants
Brightly colored fruits and vegetables, like berries, citrus fruits, kale, carrots, and spinach, are full of antioxidants that help to neutralize free radicals, or molecules that can damage cells in your body.
Count Some Sheep
When you aren’t getting enough sleep each night, you are more susceptible to getting sick. Experts recommend 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. (Pro tip: doing a workout during the day can help you to sleep more soundly. Win-Win.)
Chronic stress can suppress your immune system. Try doing yoga or taking your stress out by doing a killer workout from yours truly.
xoxo, Workout Girl
For the latest and greatest info on workouts, be sure to check out theworkoutgirl.com!
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