Honey. It’s the bee’s knees (pun intended). While you’ve probably used it in your tea, to naturally sweeten baked goods, and to drizzle all over fruit and ice cream, you might not be familiar with all of its beauty benefits. As it turns out, the sweet stuff is also awesome for the hair and skin.
“Honey has been used for its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and healing properties for centuries, ” says Marni Peters, Massage Therapist at The Ritz-Carlton, Charlotte’s spa. “In addition, it is especially excellent in balancing the skin’s pH levels, which in effect can help with acne or other skin blemishes. During the Honey Detox Massage, we use it to move your lymph and toxins through your system which are then eliminated as waste, and to exfoliate, moisturize, and soften your skin.”
In case you don’t have the chance to check out this fabulous treatment in person (it’s seriously divine!), check out Marni’s fun tips on how to use honey at home. What you’ll need: raw or unpasteurized honey, unfiltered honey, or Manuka honey, as their anti-bacterial properties are higher than other honey options.
As a face mask
Mix a few drops of water with a teaspoon of honey and gently smooth over your face and neck. Allow to penetrate for 10-30 minutes. Rinse and moisturize if necessary.
As an exfoliant
Apply to the area you want to exfoliate. Use your hands to pat and lift the honey until it becomes very sticky and starts to turn white. Rinse and moisturize as needed.
As an acne fighter
Apply a small dot of honey to your blemish before bedtime. Wash and moisturize your face in the morning.
As a hair mask
Work a handful of honey through your hair before showering. Allow it to penetrate 20 to 30 minutes. Wash and condition as normal. You can also use a honey shampoo, which consists of one teaspoon of honey to one quart of warm water.
As a relaxing bath soak
For a blissful bath experience, add to cups of honey to your water. Relax and soak for 20 minutes, then rinse and moisturize.
xx, The FabFitFun Team