We’ve all been passive-aggressive at one time or another — even if you’re a 100 percent straight shooter.

However, having continued passive-aggressive tendencies can be detrimental to yourself because you either aren’t getting your true feelings across or you’re hurting the person you aren’t being completely honest with.

Passive aggression is when a person tries to mask hositlity, anger, or even jealousy towards another person whether it’s through backhanded comments, denying they’re mad when they actually are, or even carrying out tasks in purposefully inefficient ways.

It can be tough to admit when you are acting passive-aggressive, but the first step to recovery is recognizing you have these internal issues. Read through our suggested step by step below to get over being passive-aggressive.

Step 1: Recognize your passive-aggressive behaviors.
Take the next week to write down some instances when you were passive-aggressive. Even if you’re not sure about some situations, write it down anyway.

Step 2: Review your record list of behaviors.
Recognize where the behaviors happened. Do certain people always seem to be involved? Do most instances seem to be at work, school, or at home? Were there any sort of triggering actions that brought it on? While it can be difficult to reflect on the past behaviors, identify them by asking yourself these questions. It’s all about self-evaulation and understanding why you acted passive aggressively.

Step 3: Don’t use common passive-aggressive words and phrases.
Making the effort to emit certain words and phrases from your vocabulary can help with passive aggression. Some include:
• “Whatever.”
• “Don’t be so upset.”
• “You’re overreacting.”
• “I’m fine.”

Step 4: Figure out small steps you can take to make changes.
Unfortunately, passive-aggressive behavior is a habit — and habits don’t break overnight. Instead, face your passive aggression by being more firm and direct with others about your feelings. Directly speak to the person who’s been annoying you instead of skirting around issues. Be compassionate with people and don’t intentionally try to inconvenience others by not telling them important information or doing tasks inefficiently.

Step 5: Give yourself time to make changes.
Remember, getting over passive aggression is a work in process and over time, you (and those around you) will feel less frustrated.

xx, The FabFitFun Team