
You’re bound to get sunburned at least once this summer — even if you take preventive measures (like wearing hats and plenty of SPF). And when it happens, we like to use all-natural remedies to relieve them!

Mix up any of the six concoctions below to help alleviate the peeling and itching that comes along with having too much fun in the sun. Aloe, lavender, and black tea are just a few ingredients that will soothe your skin and get that burn feeling better in no time.

sunburn 1 Whipped Coconut Oil Cooling Lotion
We were already ub-sessed with coconut oil, but knowing that you can add “sunburn soother” to its list of amazing qualities makes us love it even more. Add a bit of aloe gel and a few drops of essential oil to it, toss it in a mixer, and you’ve got your very own coconut lotion potion to take the pain away!

suburn 2 Aloe Vera Ice Cubes
Aloe vera is extremely soothing to burned skin, and keeping aloe vera nice and cold is definitely not a bad idea either. Store it in the freezer all summer long for anytime you need relief from the sun.

sunburn 3 Sunburn Relief Pads
You can easily store these pads in your medicine cabinet or travel with them for accessible sunburn relief when you need it! Simply soak a few cotton pads in lavender oil and store in a cute jar. All it takes is a little bit of this oil to your skin looking and feeling good.

sunburn 4 Black Tea Treatment
Rubbing soaked tea bags all over a burn can work wonders for sensitive areas — this just proves that a spot of tea can be refreshing in more ways than one during the summer months. Add some ice and enjoy a nice drink while your skin soaks in the healing properties.

sunburn 5 Oatmeal Bath
After a long day in the sun, a nice hot bath can do just the trick for restoring your sun-bathed skin — especially when you add this mixture of oats, baking soda and apple cider vinegar. After all, you can always treat yourself to a pampering sesh.

sunburn 6 DIY Herbal Salve
Herbal salves can help heal a lot of summer’s woes — bee stings, bug bites, and even sunburns. Mix up an herbal concoction for yourself for on-the-go use this summer. You never know when it will come in handy.

Do you have any DIY remedies for sunburns? Let us know in the comments below!

xx, The FabFitFun Team