You’re smart and capable and awesome at your job – but is anybody noticing? Even the most talented person in the room can get overlooked if she’s not sending the right signals, so we asked Hannah Seligson, author of New Girl on the Job: Advice From the Trenches, to give us some tips on gaining your boss’s and co-workers’ confidence.

Have a can-do attitude. Take on new tasks – even if they suck. “You want to show that you’re someone who can take the ball and run with it,” Seligson explains. And if you knock it out of the park this time, you’ll get better opportunities thrown your way down the line.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. “Pretending that you know everything is not a winning strategy,” says Seligson. Unless, of course, you’re Charlie Sheen, in which case you’re always winning.

Take your job to the next level. If you think your boss might ask for something, start it ahead of time so it’s ready when she wants it. Bam – instant rock star status.

Admit your mistakes. Okay, even rock stars have off-days (Ashlee’s lip synch, Christina’s lyrics, Janet’s nipple, Fergie’s pee). Own up to your faux pas and do what you can to fix it, but then move on. You don’t want to be that annoying girl who did that dumb thing and, like, will…not…shut up about it.

Be confident, but not too confident. Take pride in your work, but stay grounded, too. Nobody likes a know-it-all, but don’t hesitate to speak up when you know what’s up!

Get it? Good – you’re one step closer to getting the recognition you deserve!

xx, The FabFitFun Team