After a long day, sometimes you just wish you could transform your home into a spa. Believe it or not, this is easier than you might think. Here are three easy tips from Glamour to create a DIY spa at home:
Whip up a quick body scrub by combining one cup of brown sugar, one cup of raw oatmeal, and one cup of olive oil.
Take a relaxing spa bath in the dark by bathing only in candlelight. Use aromatherapy candles for added effect. The serenity of the candlelight can be very calming after a stressful day.
Create a rejuvenating face mask by blending cold cream, yogurt, honey, aloe vera gel, and avocado. Apply to your face and leave on for about 15 minutes or until the mask has dried. Then, rinse off with warm water.
If you’re still feeling wound up, remember that one of the best ways to de-stress is with exercise. Check out theworkoutgirl.com for workouts you can do at home.
xoxo, Workout Girl
For the latest and greatest info on workouts, be sure to check out TheWorkoutGirl.com!
This story was written by a fab member of our Ambassador Network.