Dear G,

I’m always too rushed for breakfast and then I go crazy at lunch because I’m starving. What’s a good grab and go healthy breakfast?


Hi Dani,

I know you’ve heard it a million times, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day (sorry lunch and dinner, better luck next time!).

Although it can be hard to find the time for a healthy breakfast, there are just too many benefits to pass up. Studies have shown that skipping breakfast can cause a real decline in memory and concentration and that…what was I saying?

Anyway, studies have also revealed that eating a healthy breakfast can actually help you lose weight by preventing overeating throughout the rest of the day.

Of course, if you’re like me and juggling 42 things at once, whipping up a gourmet egg white veggie omelette in the morning just isn’t practical or possible. Instead, I’ve compiled a list of fast, tasty, and healthy breakfasts to keep you energized and satisfied all morning long.

Hard Boiled Eggs – These guys travel super well and are packed full of protein. So simple!

D-Lights Turkey Sausage Muffin – If you love Egg McMuffins this one’s for you. The frozen little breakfast sammie has all the taste with a fraction of the fat, and cooks quickly in your microwave.

Single Packets of Instant Oatmeal – Grab a mug, mix with water and throw it in the microwave for a quick, warm breakfast at the office. Sprinkle with almonds or walnuts to add a little protein.

Breakfast Wrap – Go savory and sweet by layering peanut butter and sliced bananas in a whole-wheat tortilla.

Single Servings of Cottage Cheese or Greek Yogurt – Stir in a few berries for fiber and a touch of sweetness.

Try Lunch – There’s no reason why you have to go for a traditional breakfast choice. Half of a turkey sandwich with mustard, lettuce and tomato is a super satisfying balance of protein and healthy carbs.

xx, G