Migraines have the ability to ruin even the best days. Unlike an ordinary headache, migraines often leave a throbbing or pulsing feeling in your head. It can also come with an “aura,” which is a sensation a person experiences before getting a migraine — for example, feeling less mentally alert, seeing flashing lights, or feeling tingling or numbness in the face or hands.

Since migraines are your body’s direct response to external and internal changes in the environment, it’s your body’s way of communicating that something is “off.” So here’s what your migraine might be trying to tell you.

You are stressed or anxious
Although stress is a normal part of life, too much stress can lead to migraines. Emotional stress like worry, fear, or anxiety can put a strain on your body that triggers a migraine headache. Avoid stress with adequate amounts of rest, exercise, and meditation.

You consumed too much alcohol
Sunday Funday, Boozeday Tuesday, Wasted Wednesday, Thirsty Thursdays — there’s a name to justify drinking every day of the week. However, if you’re drinking pretty often, don’t be surprised if you start experiencing migraines. According to the American Migraine Foundation, an excess consumption of alcohol can trigger migraines (yes, red wine included!).

You had too much or too little caffeine (aka withdrawal)
Yes, your daily dose of coffee might be connected to your migraines. Caffeine can act as both a cure and a cause of migraines. It reduces inflammation of the blood vessels surrounding the brain, thus, helping to reduce migraines. On the other hand, when you cut out caffeine, those blood vessels expand again, causing pain.

Your eyes are strained
A common cause of migraines is strong, flickering lights. Examples include fluorescent lights, a television picture rapidly going on and off, or sunlight reflected off of waves.

It is time to eat
Since your body needs energy to function, which mostly comes from carbohydrates (or glucose), the lack of food can lead to headaches. If you’re experiencing a migraine, it might be your body’s way of telling you it’s hungry and needs nourishment.

You have gotten too little or much zzz’s
Migraines commonly occur between the hours of 4 a.m. and 9 a.m., which indicates a timing component connected to sleep. You may be sleep-deprived if you suddenly experience head tension upon waking up. Make simple changes such as putting your phone on “Do Not Disturb” or sipping on caffeine-free tea before bed for a restful snooze.

It is that time of the month
Headaches are an indicator that your body is experiencing hormonal changes. When you’re on your period, your estrogen and other hormone levels spike, which can lead to migraines. Try over-the-counter meds or stress-reducing activities like yoga to ease the pain.

xx, The FabFitFun Team