So you met a new guy. Maybe you swiped right, were set up through a friend, or exchanged numbers the old-fashioned way. Regardless, you’re most likely prepping for your first date and thinking about what you should and shouldn’t say, or what you should and shouldn’t do. Well, we’re here to lend you some advice! Below are a couple tips on how not to act on your first date with Mr. Right (now):
Talk about your ex. You probably have an ex-boyfriend or two and have an extensive, dramatic back story that goes along with your past relationship(s). Maybe he’s a POS and left you or maybe he cheated on you. Either way, we all have a story and it’s fine if this topic comes up sometime down the road. But unless you’re prompted to talk about the infamous ex, please avoid this topic at all costs. It can make your date feel awkward and uncomfortable. If you don’t have an ex-boyfriend, this is one less thing to worry about!
Gossip. No, not celebrity gossip (but please don’t talk about that either). We’re talking about friend gossip. Whether you just met this guy or he’s a friend of a friend, friend gossip is unnecessary and petty. Of course, feel free to talk highly of your friends and family because they are an important part of your life. But whatever you do, do not gossip or talk behind their back because it will make you seem small-minded.
Drink too much. This is just self-explanatory. Getting extremely drunk on the first date is a no-no. Pace yourself on the glasses of wine during dinner and make sure to have generous cups of water. If you drink too much, there’s a chance you’ll be a bit sloppy and say a couple things you’ll regret, which will instantly turn off your date.
Talk about marriage. Let’s pump the brakes, shall we? The topic of marriage doesn’t need to be spoken about in any way, shape, or form on the first date. Rather, the first date is a time for you and your potential man to get to know each other and see if you can further the relationship. Yes, it’s good to keep marriage in the back of your head so you can make sure your time is well spent on the fella. However, take some time to really get to know him before you even thinking about marriage.
Use your cell phone. This is also a no-brainer! Please don’t use your cell phone during your date. It will come off as disrespectful and immature. There is nothing worse than being on a date with someone who doesn’t value your time enough to put their phone down.
Do you have any tips on what not to do on a date? Let us know in the comments below!
xx, The FabFitFun Team