As the season changes, so does our body. We kiss summer months goodbye, bid farewell to the excess of vitamin D readily available, and welcome new changes to our overall health and wellness. Specifically, the winter months bring bouts of dry skin –but what if there’s an underlying issue you’re not aware of? What if it’s not just dry skin or a chapped lip?
It was only a few weeks ago when I was complaining of an itchy scalp to my hairdresser. I begged for tips on how to alleviate what felt like an unavoidable, itchy scalp. She made her expected recommendations: shampoos with eco-friendly properties and tea tree remedies. However, she also suggested, “you might be experiencing a little Candida overgrowth.”
What is candida?
Candida is a genus of yeast, and also a type of fungi that makes its home in the human body. It can live in the mouth, intestines, and on the skin, and is one of the most common causes of fungal infections in humans. Surely not frightening, but absolutely something to needs to be taken care of.
Candida has been known to contribute to issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), allergies, mood swings, dry patches, and more — causing infections such as vaginal yeast infection, urinary tract infections, and esophagitis. Signs like severe bloating, weight imbalances, hormonal issues, and food allergies can also be determiners of candida overgrowth.
How can I take care of candida?
Do you know how everyone is always telling you that your body produces good bacteria? That’s actually true. It’s the good, healthy bacteria that will keep your candida in a reasonable mood. Since the gut-brain controls body performance (think your immune system) and houses all the good bacteria (thanks probiotics), we’re going to talk about some ways you can get your gut right with hopes of lowering your risk of a Candida outbreak.
Incorporate apple cider vinegar into your daily routine
This powerhouse is known for its ability to improve digestion and balance out your gut. It should be diluted in water and consumed only once per day, keeping under 8 ounces (I typically keep it at 4). Take it a step further and pour some in your bath, soaking for at least 30 minutes. This is known to do wonders for the skin.
Try out a healthy diet
Avoid things that are high in sugar and opt for different cooking oils (think maybe coconut or avocado oil).
Get your daily dose of probiotics
Yogurt and many other fermented foods are easy ways to coax the fungal properties that live within your body’s digestive system.
Incorporate essential oils into your life
According to Very Well Health, enteric-coated capsules containing oregano oil, peppermint oil, and other oils have been proposed as strategies to prevent candida overgrowth.
Candida is super common and while it can’t be conquered overnight, we hope that with these tips you can work your way to building a healthier, happier gut. As always, consult your doctor or physician with any questions.
xx, The FabFitFun Team