Spring has sprung! Out with the old and in with the new. Here are some great ways to refresh your diet and exercise routines:
Get juicin’. Ditch your morning coffee and replace it with a green juice. These are often packed with a large dose of vegetables, like kale and spinach, which are chock full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Go beyond your comfort zone. Mix up your exercise routine by taking a new class. Try a hip hop cardio class, take up stand-up paddle boarding, or try a “do anywhere” circuit workout from The Workout Girl. New exercises will tone different muscle groups than your usual routine.
Go shopping. Assess your existing exercise gear. Are your sneakers looking a little worn? Is your sports bra not as supportive as it once was? Refresh some key items to prevent injury and provide proper support.
xoxo, Workout Girl
For the latest and greatest info on workouts, be sure to check out TheWorkoutGirl.com!
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