You’re an “in demand” woman with limited free time. If you’re going to spend an hour of your day at the gym, you want to make sure it’s worth it. Here’s how to ensure you’re getting the most out of your sweat sesh:

Spend Time on Both Cardio and Strength Training
Strength training helps to tone your muscles. Did you know that the more you build your muscles, the more calories you burn? It’s important to incorporate strength training into your workout routine, and not solely focus on cardio.

Continue to Challenge Yourself
Slowly increase your weight resistance and number of reps in your workout routine. You’ll continuously be toning your body if you keep challenging yourself.

Focus on One Area
Focus on your upper body on one day, and on your lower body the next. Your muscles need to rest after a workout, and this way you’re still focusing on toning one muscle group while resting the other.

Don’t know how or where to get started? Check out my “do anywhere” workout from

xoxo, Workout Girl

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This story was written by a fab member of our Ambassador Network.