Building a business calls for patience, dedication, and lots of love — but add motherhood into the mix, and you have two all-consuming jobs.
So how do entrepreneurial moms do it? We chatted with some lady bosses to see how they successfully balance work and motherhood.
Involve your kids in your work
“Involve your kids in as many aspects of your business as possible. Not only do they learn that money doesn’t just fall from the sky, but you can also get some pretty good tax deductions, too.” — Rebecca So, Founder of SWAY
Focus on what really matters
“‘Melissa, how do you do it all?’ is a question I’ve never been asked because I don’t do it all! We have a lot of child care and household help to make our life work, and it’s still a struggle. Becoming a parent forced me to assess my priorities, and the things I valued less got dropped. I would rather build Legos, ride bikes, and relax with my hubby than obsess over having a perfectly clean and orderly house. You’ll always be able to find Cheerios on our floor, and that’s OK.” — Melissa Birge, CEO of Mia Tango
Stick to your boundaries
“I set boundaries and stick to it; time is limited so it’s important to spend the time you have wisely. Being clear about what you ‘don’t’ do in advance of an ask can set you up for pleasing less and being true to what matters to you, your family, and your business.” — Regan Walsh, Executive Coach
Take time offline
“I completely separate myself from my phone and emails starting Friday night and all day Saturday! This allows both me and my family to replenish our ourselves and our minds. Family day keeps me sane.” — Mona Dan, Founder of Vie Healing
Create a schedule
“Having a schedule dictates when it’s time to work or time to be a mom, and this creates the freedom to be present with what you’re doing. When I’m with my baby, I can be present with him because I know I have three hours later to focus on work. Likewise, when I’m working, I know my baby is being cared for and I can focus on getting my work done without feeling guilty.” — Michelle Linane, Founder of Love Teaching Yoga
Strive for balance
“As a working mom-trepreneur, you’ll often feel like you’re sacrificing one over the other. Know that it balances out, and whatever you decide is the right decision, so don’t second guess. You decide to attend a conference instead of your son’s soccer game? Great — that’s what you needed to do. You leave work early and skip a conference call to attend your daughter’s school play? That was the right decision too. Don’t think twice and don’t look back. Guilt isn’t productive.” — Talia Goldstein, CEO of Three Day Rule
“Learn to prioritize the most important things each day. I learned this lesson quickly after I became a mom; I had a lot of responsibilities at my job and I had a daughter I loved. I had to learn to balance both. It’s not the amount of work you do, but doing the right work that ultimately determines how successful you are. I had fewer hours to work, but was able to accomplish more with greater joy because she [my daughter] taught me to prioritize.” — Oksana Malysheva, CEO of Sputnix ATX
Say no!
“I do all the time. We all only have so much time in a day. I try to make sure everything I say ‘yes’ to will make a difference. — Margaret Coblentz, Founder of Frances Austen
Lean on others
“Being a mother, an entrepreneur, and wife is no easy task. I’ve found that the key to staying on top of it all is knowing that you don’t have to do it alone. Whether you’re leaning on work colleagues or partner at home, it matters so much that you find someone who shares similar values and priorities as you so the brunt of the work doesn’t weigh on your shoulders alone.” — Susan Petersen, Founder of Freshly Picked
Take care of yourself first
“I do something every morning to clear my mind. Often times, that takes the shape of a morning workout at the gym, lighting my favorite Skylar candle (Meadow), and doing a few breathing exercises at home before everyone wakes up. In times of chaos or surprises, I always find myself going back to that morning moment of peace, and it helps me calmly tackle any of the unexpected challenges the day may bring.” — Cat Chen, Founder of Skylar Body
xx, The FabFitFun Team