In a perfect world, flying would always be painless and easy, but with the blasting air conditioning, seat kicking, and chatty neighbors, an already long flight can feel even longer.
So to make your flight as comfortable as possible, we’re highlighting five tips below.
Pack a pillow, eye mask, and blanket
It’s actually easy to stay warm in a cold cabin and to avoid your neighbor’s reading light if you have the right gear. Pack a neck pillow, travel-size blanket, and eye mask to snooze during your long flight.
Bring earplugs or headphones
Skip the noise from other passengers, flight attendants, and even the plane itself by listening to your favorite music or completely silencing the noise with some handy dandy earplugs.
Dress appropriately
Unless you’re traveling for work, heels or skinny jeans probably aren’t going to make the comfiest flight attire. Opt for clothes that you can layer so you can add or take off depending on how cold your flight is. We recommend a pair of leggings, track pants, or stretchy jeggings, a loose tee, and a hoodie for extreme comfort.
Bring along your favorite entertainment
Whether you use your favorite book, an e-reader, laptop, or phone, bring some sort of entertainment to keep you amused during the plane ride. Plus, it’ll make the long flight feel shorter.
Pick your seat ahead of time
There’s nothing worse than getting a bad seat on a long flight. If you want to avoid being stuck in a middle seat or next to the bathroom, don’t leave your fate to chance and pick your seat online ahead of time.
What are some of your in-flight tips? Let us know in the comments below!
xx, The FabFitFun Team