Online shopping is risky business. One minute you’re checking your email and the next you’re on Amazon with $200 worth of items in your cart. We’ve all been there — right?

Below we’re sharing 10 thoughts that have probably crossed all of our minds while online shopping.

“I’m just going on Amazon for some beach towels (that’s it!).”

Just tell everything else, “I don’t need you.”

“How did I end up on ASOS again? I have a problem.”

Uh oh, we’ve all been here before.

“Do I really need this? Yes, yes I do.”

A girl can never have too many shoes, right?

“Let me just look…”

Just a quick peek!

“50% off?! They’re practically paying me to shop.

You’re basically making money at this point.

“Only $30 until free shipping? I guess I have to get that top now.”

Because there’s just no other choice.

“Do I get the small or the medium? Both it is — I can always return it.”

We’ll take both!

“My credit card is so far away though.”

The struggle is real.

“Wait, my card is already on here? Sweet, I don’t have to get up.”


“Seven to 10 business days? But I want it now.”

If only same-day shipping was complimentary.

xx, The FabFitFun Team