There’s only one way to take back the presidency: team up. Everyone needs to work together so that Mellie won’t become a puppet President.

But with all their other problems, will they be able to work things out? Read through our recap to find out what happens.

There’s a new vice president in town. As part of their plan to control Mellie, Ruland and Peus announce that Jake needs to resign. Peus will be the next VP. So Olivia brings everyone together to try and stop the evil duo.

Everyone is mad at everyone. Let’s just say getting everyone together to work on the Ruland/Peus problem isn’t going so well. Cyrus tries to kill Rowan for killing Vargas. Rowan is mad at Fitz for being, well, Fitz. Jake is angry with Olivia for going back to Fitz. David is mad at himself for dating some morally sketchy women — can’t argue with him there.

Quinn finally decides who she wants to be with. Charlie goes MIA after talking with Huck about Quinn. When Quinn presses him, Huck reveals that Charlie thinks Quinn has feelings for Huck. Huck asks Quinn what she wants. She decides to go find Charlie to tell him that she loves him and wants to marry him. They kiss and make up.

Mellie takes back the power. Good thing Marcus gave her a pep talk because Mellie is ready to fight back. She is going to name her own vice president: Cyrus…but he says no. Yes, we’re still scratching our heads about that one. However, they figure it out. Luna Vargas will be Mellie’s vice president. Olivia will be Mellie’s Chief of Staff.

Samantha is arrested. Olivia comes in to get Abby and Samantha from the bunker. After announcing that it’s all over, she has the secret service arrest Samantha. It seems like everything is OK, but we have a feeling things are about to get a lot worse.

xx, The FabFitFun Team