
With the possible replacement of the current health care plan (aka Obamacare) by the GOP’s new American Health Care Act (AHCA), birth control and women’s health has become a hotter topic now more than ever.

If you’ve been dependent on Medicaid or Planned Parenthood for your contraceptives, you’re about to pay a whole lot more for birth control.

The AHCA has the potential to retract birth control benefits with the huge cut in government funding for Medicaid and Planned Parenthood. With 43% of Planned Parenthood’s budget coming from federal grants (in 2015), that’s almost half of the budget that could be lost.

Here’s how much you can expect to pay for birth control with the new health care plan:

What are your thoughts on the effects the new health care plan will have on birth control prices? Weigh in on the comments below.

xx, The FabFitFun Team