Julia Child isn’t the only one who thinks that “with enough butter, anything is good.” In our opinion, truer words have never been spoken. If you’re attempting a dairy-free diet, there are plenty of non-dairy options to fill your buttery needs. Check out our to picks below.
Miyoko’s Cultured Vegan Butter
This butter alternative has fewer additives than most without taking away from the butter flavor you know and love.
Melt Organic Probiotic Butter
A butter that supports our gut and immune health? We’re on board! Let’s melt away.
Country Crock Plant Butter
This might just be the closest texture and taste to regular butter. It’s smooth and spreads like a charm.
Earth Balance Organic Whipped Buttery Spread
This whipped spread doesn’t disappoint! It is the epitome of dreamy and creamy.
Native Organic Coconut Oil
Although the calories in this oil are higher than some other dairy-free butter, the ingredients list is easily one of the shortest out there. So if consumed in moderation, this is an awesome alternative.
Earth Balance Butter Sticks
When you need that exact stick measurement for your next batch of cookies, scones, or muffins, Earth Balance butter sticks are here to save the day!
xx, The FabFitFun Team