Netflix’s latest series, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, has been all the buzz since its premiere on January 1. The show follows Marie Kondo, a tidying expert and New York Times best-selling author, as she helps people transform their cluttered homes into a serene and organized space.
She does this through her own mindful, introspective approach known as the KonMari Method. Her motto? To keep items that speak to the heart and discard items that no longer spark joy. “Thank them for their service, then let them go,” says Kondo.
The best part about Kondo’s method is that it actually works, so it’s no wonder why the internet has been freaking out over her technique.
Here are 10 tweets that’ll convince you to try the KonMari Method if you haven’t yet.
We have Mari Kondoed tf out of the apartment today. #KonMari method #purging
— Jeremy Patton (@JeremyDpatton) January 14, 2019
We only got 15 minutes into the first episode of Tidying Up before my boyfriend and I started reorganizing our master closet. ???????? Thanks for the inspiration, @MarieKondo! #Netflix #KonMari
— Brianna (@briannasaurus) January 9, 2019
Finished my clothes and closet! It’s so true too, I literally just sat in my closet last night by myself for an hour or so because it brought me so much JOY! Can’t wait for y’all to see @katiepie07’s next video! #konmari ???????????? https://t.co/raa9E6S3cw pic.twitter.com/ko0VQ6tkd2
— Cullen (@Culligan27) January 5, 2019
Did #KonMari on my clothes mountain today. I feel SO ACCOMPLISHED. pic.twitter.com/C7zQ4rUTQa
— Bibbidi Bobbidi Books (@bookishmandi) January 6, 2019
It took me 10 days to #KonMari my bedroom…
Today was the first time that I could walk into my room and feel at ease. It was pretty awesome.
— Cyndi (@psyduckies) January 8, 2019
*watches 3 episodes of Tidying Up* I’m only keeping things that bring me JOY and saying thank you to things that no longer do!!!! Konmari method life!!!!! #KonMari
— Clarisa Du (@clarisadude) January 5, 2019
If I ask my girlfriend which shirt I should wear, I’m almost certain she’ll answer with, “Which one brings you the most joy?” And then follow up with, “You should thank the other shirt for previously bringing you Joy.” #KonMari
— Logan Reyes (@loganreyes) January 10, 2019
Is it weird that I want to go organize my sock drawer? #KonMari
— Mommafee (@Mommafee2) January 9, 2019
Last week we tidied up my kids’ rooms, and it honestly was life-changing magic. https://t.co/MGo7Imnq3n #MarieKondo #KonMari pic.twitter.com/JkUnVWt1Nj
— Julie Hammerle (@JulieHammerle) January 10, 2019
so far, my 2019 has been effective thanks to @MarieKondo #KonMari #Method
— Miranda (@LipInsp) January 8, 2019
xx, The FabFitFun Team