We’ve all been through it — self-doubt and self-hatred, struggling to find our confidence and self-worth. In a world where we’re bombarded with info about who we should be and how we should look, it’s really hard for a girl to channel her inner Beyonce!
Lucky for us, there are women like Emily Greener who strive to create a place where girls can feel safe to be exactly who they are. As co-founder of the nonprofit I AM THAT GIRL, her mission is to empower girls from the inside out. This season, FabFitFun is proud to partner with this amazing organization to help create a healthier, more powerful world for girls. Check out our conversation with Emily and what she had to say about beauty, confidence, and the struggles every girl faces today.
We’re always in awe of women who are paving the way for other women. Can you tell us about your background?
When I was in school I was always really involved in student council, leadership, and doing my best, like every other girl, to fit in and be liked. My big dream of becoming an actress is what moved me out to LA when I was 23-years-old — except there was a different dream in store for me that I never saw coming. I didn’t ever think I would be someone “paving the way for other women,” but the day I met Alexis Jones and she told me about I AM THAT GIRL, there was something that lit up inside of me.
What inspired you and Alexis Jones to start I AM THAT GIRL?
It wasn’t until years into us doing this work that I started to understand my own self-doubt and my own need for a safe space to be exactly who I am. Just as much as every girl we serve, we also needed (and still do) to be seen, and be heard, and belong. We needed a space to talk honestly about things that matter, to be supported, accepted, and lifted up. I AM THAT GIRL was Alexis’ idea, I was just lucky enough to have met her right before the launch of it. And I think I can safely say that her inspiration, along with everyone else who gets involved, is a personal recognition of their own self-doubt and a desire to live in a world where we can connect to each other and not have to feel alone.
What do you think are the key things every girl needs to know to feel more confident?
Be loving to yourself, lift each other up, give back as much as you take (if not more), speak your truth, and hurt people hurt people — so have compassion.
We’re so happy to work with you on the ISH brand. What made you want to collaborate on this new makeup line?
ISH is a makeup company that has launched with a commitment to the self-worth of girls. They are selling makeup for what makeup is, an amazing accessory that can empower you if you wear it for you, and not for anyone else. They’ve already committed to sponsoring 100 girls in the I AM THAT GIRL Local Program, so it’s one thing to say “we care about girls’ confidence,” and quite another to follow through the way ISH has and will continue to do.
Why do you think it’s important to talk to girls about beauty?
Because our society is obsessed with it. If we don’t help girls define beauty for themselves, someone else is going to do it for them and that someone else is not going to be looking out for anyone or anything other than their own bottom line.
From your experience, what are some of the most common struggles girls face today?
The need to belong and fit in. This is where self-doubt spawns from and that determines the mental, physical, and emotional well being of girls — which is not so hot these days.
If you could give your teenage self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Cry. Cry as often as you can. Access your tears and don’t worry what other people think.
xx, The FabFitFun Team
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