With the abundance of information on the web about getting fit and shedding extra pounds, it can be difficult to decipher fact from fiction. Is cleansing really as legit as everyone says, and is CrossFit a sure-fire way to get crazy fit?

If you’re still scratching your head wondering what tips to follow, you’ll at least want to pay attention to the five biggest lies about weight loss.

You Need to Count Calories
Weight loss is not just about calories, especially considering that not all calories are created equal. One hundred calories of a candy bar is definitely not going to equal 100 calories from celery or carrots. “The fact is that our bodies are so incredibly complex that this simplified philosophy just doesn’t work,” says “The Weight Loss Therapist” Dr. Candice Seti. “It doesn’t account for hormones, metabolism, types of activity, food quality, etc.”

Working Out Will Make Up for Bad Eating
Ever justified eating a whole bag of chips by saying you’ll work it out on the treadmill later? Think again. “In reality, you can’t make up for what happens in the kitchen at the gym,” says Seti. “Nutritious foods can certainly fuel a good workout, but if you are looking to make up for what you’ve eaten, you would be in the gym hours upon hours each day to even come close [to] burning those calories.”

Fat Makes You Fat
For years, we were told that fat is the enemy. Low-fat products were all the rage, but it turns out, fat really doesn’t make you fat. In fact, those who follow a diet high in monounsaturated fats like nuts and olive oil actually lose more weight than those who stick to a low fat diet.

Cheat Days Can Help You Lose Weight
Having a crazy day indulging in ice cream and french fries won’t exactly help you with your weight loss goals. “My problem with this philosophy is that it makes your eating habits seem like a restricted, temporary diet rather than an optimal healthy way of eating long-term,” says Seti. “Consider the way you eat as a lifestyle you follow to look and feel your best, rather than restrictions from which you are trying to break free on a regular basis.”

You Can’t Eat After 8 P.M.
Night-eating has long been shamed, but it’s not about the hour at which you eat — it’s about the quantity you’re eating. People who eat at night tend to consume more calories — likely because they’re having a dessert or fitting in an extra meal. But if you haven’t gotten a chance to eat dinner until 8:30 p.m. or you’re looking for a small bedtime snack, go ahead and go for it.

xx, The FabFitFun Team