woman preparing the steaming face treatment

You’ve seen the steamy saunas at the gym, and maybe you’ve even heard about facial steaming at your local spa, but is there actually any benefit to steaming your face? 

Surprisingly enough, there is. 

While some spa like treatments at home can be overwhelming, steaming can be easily included in your routine. As a fast, inexpensive, and effective way to remove dirt and other impurities from deep within the skin, facial steaming is quickly becoming an essential part of many skincare routines. In fact, not only can facial steaming help your skin feel its best, but it may also help your skin retain more moisture (and we love a good moisturized glow).

These are just some of the potential benefits of steaming your face. In this guide, we’ll walk you through 5 reasons why steaming might be a good choice for you and explore how to steam properly for maximum effect.

#1: Steaming May Help Open Your Pores

One potential benefit of steaming your face is that it may help open your pores. When your pores are opened, the exposure to warm, moist air might help you with some of your skincare goals, such as:

  • Softening blackheads for easier removal
  • Loosening dirt, dead skin cells, and oils
  • Priming your skin for skincare products

This is a great way to treat any clogged pores you may be seeing, which can also prevent acne breakouts.

#2: Steaming May Improve Your Circulation 

Steaming face benefits might also include improved circulation. Warm, humid air can help dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow. In turn, this can lead to:

  • Improved skin cell turnover
  • Faster healing from damage
  • A bright, healthy-looking glow 

Think about how you feel after you exercise. The movement of your body increases your blood flow, and your cheeks get a rosy glow. So, in other words, steaming can help you look like you just went for a rejuvenating jog—without all of the sweat and strenuous effort.

#3: Steaming Your Face May Help with Moisture Retention

This can work for every skin type, but especially if you have dry skin. Steaming your face may also help your skin better absorb your moisturizing products. This is because those short bursts of warm, humid air from facial steaming can make your skin more permeable. When your skin’s surface is primed to accept moisture, your skincare products may be more effective because they’re more readily absorbed.

This means that you should always apply a moisturizer after a steaming session to reap the maximum benefits. 

#4: Have a Cold? Steaming May Help You Find Temporary Relief

Steaming your face doesn’t only have skin care benefits. When you have a cold, one of the most frustrating parts is dealing with congestion. Breathing difficulties can impair your sleep and ability to focus during the day. One method that may help loosen some of your congestion is steaming. 

While steaming your face won’t make your cold go away faster, it may provide temporary relief from:

  • Headaches caused by congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Dry throat

Although studies on the effectiveness of steaming for cold relief are inclusive, the soothing impact of breathing warm, humid air might help you feel (and breathe) a little bit better.

#5: Steaming Can Have a Calming Effect

Lastly, steaming your face can help calm you, especially before bed. In one 2019 study, 25 adult men with existing sleep problems experienced improved sleep quality after a warm steam session before sleep. This suggests that the relaxing properties of steaming may induce a calm state. And, when you’re calmer before bed, your sleep quality can improve.

This means the benefits of steaming may extend beyond skincare to include congestion relief and more relaxed sleep. 

How Should You Steam Your Face?

Now that you know some of the potential benefits of steaming your face, you’re probably wondering exactly how to do it. There are several different methods you can try, depending on the supplies you have available. 

Regardless of which method you choose, keep in mind that the key to facial steaming is to use warm water—not hot water—to reduce the risk of burning your skin. 

Method 1: Try a Facial Steamer

A facial steamer is an all-in-one product designed specifically for the task of steaming your face. The process involves three steps:

  1. You fill the water tank with fresh, clean water.
  2. The heating element in the steamer heats the water to the proper temperature.
  3. The device emits steam through an opening where you put your face.

One of the advantages of a facial steamer is that it heats the water to the right temperature so there’s less risk of overheating your water. 

If you’re interested in this method, we love the Vanity Planet Aira Ionic Facial Steamer. This cute, easy-to-use steamer features an ion generator that helps water molecules penetrate the skin and clean even deeper.

Method 2: Use Warm Towel Steam

If a facial steamer isn’t your style, you can use a simpler method—a warm towel. To steam your face with a warm towel:

  1. Fill your sink with warm (not hot) water
  2. Submerge a soft, hand towel in the warm water
  3. Squeeze out the excess so that the towel is damp, not dripping
  4. Place the towel over your face and relax

This method is quite easy and only takes about five minutes of your time.

Method 3: Put Your Sink to Work

You can also steam your face by using your bathroom sink. This method involves the following steps:

  1. Fill the sink with hot tap water
  2. Lean over the sink, keeping your face at least six inches above the water
  3. Create your ‘steam room’ by draping a towel over the back of your head
  4. Relax and allow the steam to do its job

If your bathroom sink won’t work, you can follow these same steps by filling a large bowl with warm water and placing it on a table where you can sit comfortably.

Tips and Tricks for Facial Steaming

As with all skincare routines, steaming isn’t appropriate for everyone. You should speak with your dermatologist to see whether your skin will benefit from steaming. 

Once you get the go-ahead, keep the following tips in mind to get the most out of your facial steaming sessions.

Start with Clean Skin

The first thing you should do before you steam is clean your face thoroughly. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the following steps for washing your face without damaging your skin:

  • Choose only non-abrasive cleansers, like the MALIN+GOETZ Grapefruit Facial Cleanser, which is gentle enough for all skin types.
  • Use lukewarm water to wet your face.
  • Carefully rub the cleanser into your skin with your fingertips.
  • Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel.

You should never use a washcloth or other abrasive cloth to wash your face. You also shouldn’t scrub when you cleanse as this can irritate and damage the delicate skin on your face. 

After your skin is clean, you can set up your steaming station and allow the warm, humid air to calm and relax you as it helps open your pores.

Mix It Up with Herbs and Essential Oils

If you want to add a little excitement to your face steaming sessions, you can try adding herbs or essential oils to the warm water. You’ll enjoy the enticing aromas of these simple add-ins as you give your skin a relaxing and rejuvenating break. 

Some of our favorite essential oils include:

  • Lavender
  • Eucalyptus
  • Orange
  • Tea tree
  • Peppermint
  • Lemongrass
  • Geranium
  • Clove
  • Oregano

You can also add chopped rosemary or chamomile tea leaves to your warm water for a fresh herb boost. With these simple tricks, you can get that spa-level feeling of freshness in the comfort of your own home.

Set Your Parameters and Stick to Them

The two components that will make your face steaming session a success without causing unwelcome effects are time and temperature. Ideally, you should:

  • Steam for between five to ten minutes
  • Use warm, never boiling water
  • Close your eyes while steaming
  • Stop steaming if you feel uncomfortable

If you use the sink or bowl method, never put your face closer than six to ten inches from the water to prevent burns. Because some people experience slight irritation when they steam their face, you should begin slowly. Start with one, short session per week and gradually add a second session if your skin responds positively. This is especially true if you have sensitive skin that may react to a face steam.

Always Finish with Moisturizer

You should never skip the moisturizer after you steam your face. The steam helps to open your pores, making your skin more receptive to your skincare products. This means your lotions and serums are better absorbed into your skin after a steam, making them more effective. So grab your moisturizer or your favorite skin care product for your skin type and get ready to hydrate. 

To get the most impact from your facial care routine, follow these post-steam steps:

  1. Rinse your face immediately after you finish steaming
  2. Pat your skin dry
  3. Apply your moisturizer or face serum using gentle circles with your fingertips

After this, your skin should have a soft, rosy glow. You might also feel more calm and relaxed. These factors make facial steaming an ideal pre-bedtime skincare activity. 

Get All of Your Essential Face Steaming Gear with FabFitFun

There are many potential benefits of steaming face care. Facial steaming can help you loosen debris from your clogged pores, help your skin retain moisture from your moisturizers and serums, and promote relaxation at the end of a long day.

If you’re ready to try steaming your face, a FabFitFun membership can help you stock up on all of the essentials, including personal steamers, gentle cleansers, and hydrating moisturizers. Plus, along with our seasonal boxes, a FabFitFun membership gives you access to special sales, exclusive products, beauty advice, and so much more. 

Sign up for a membership today, and get ready for your best skin yet.



  1. ScienceDirect. The Effect of Heat on Skin Permeability. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378517308002214?via%3Dihub
  2. PubMed. A Comparison of Whole Body Vibration and Moist Heat. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3560772/
  3. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Heated, Humified Air for the Common Cold. https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD001728.pub6/full
  4. Hindawi. Warm Steam Inhalation Before Bedtime Improved Sleep Quality in Adult Men. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2019/2453483/
  5. American Academy of Dermatology. Face Washing 101. https://www.aad.org/public/everyday-care/skin-care-basics/care/face-washing-101