So, you want to be healthier, do ya? Becoming healthier means you actually have to change your daily ways and form new healthy habits. Here are three “good for you” habits that will help get you on the right track:
Eat a full 5-6 small meals each day.
Eating small portions every couple of hours helps to keep your blood sugar level stable. When you eat three large meals, your blood sugar spikes and later crashes, often causing cravings, binges, and mood swings.
Drink eight 8 oz glasses of water each day.
Water flushes out toxins in your body, it promotes a clear complexion, and, of course, it keeps you hydrated.
Stretch pre-workout and foam roll after a workout.
Pulling a muscle is never fun. Stretching before a workout helps to prevent injury. After a tough workout, recover by using a foam roller for a few minutes. This handy contraption helps to work out knots in your muscles and can help prevent muscle soreness.
If you need help sticking to your fitness regimen because sometimes it’s just too hard to motivate to go to the gym after work, check out theworkoutgirl.com for workouts you can do right at home.
xoxo, Workout Girl
For the latest and greatest info on workouts, be sure to check out TheWorkoutGirl.com!
This story was written by a fab member of our Ambassador Network.