It’s spring and you know what that means — gorgeous flowers are in bloom all around! If you want to liven up your space with fresh, colorful flowers that look (and smell) amazing, knowing how to create the perfect bouquet is key. While it may seem like an art form in and of itself, we listed some easy-to-follow steps below. Pro tip: make sure you have a vase as eye-catching as the flowers themselves, and lucky for you, you can find the perfect one in the Summer FabFitFun Box: The Ceramic Vase by Bouqs

Now check out the video below and start living your best florist-inspired life:


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  1. Start with greenery as base 
  2. Choose a base color and flower 
  3. Use specialty blooms
  4. Add some texture
  5. Remove leaves from bottom of each stem 
  6. Pick “linear” flowers that give your bouquet shape 
  7. Trim stems to the height of your vase 
  8. Always trim at least two fingers width off the end to preserve freshness 
  9. Remove leaves and tie together 
  10. Arrange the largest flowers last 

Want in on the fun? Join now for 20% off your first box with the code GOODIESGALORE!

xx, The FabFitFun Team