If you’re looking to improve your life, it could be as simple as taking pen to paper.
Studies have shown that the simple act of writing down what you’re grateful for can have numerous benefits, including better sleep, fewer symptoms of illness, and more happiness among both adults and children.
To get the most out of this practice, experts suggest focusing on quality over quantity, really reflecting on what you’re grateful and going into specifics rather than creating a laundry list of things. It’s also not necessary to try to do it daily; a couple of times a week is enough to reap the benefits.
If you don’t know where to start, here are 10 gratitude journals to kickstart your writing habit.
Gratitude: A Day and Night Reflection Journal (90 Days) $13.35
With daily prompts for morning and night, you can start and end your day on a positive note.
Let That Sh*t Go: A Journal for Leaving Your Bullsh*t Behind and Creating a Happy Life $14.99
Designed to help people learn to let things go, this profanity-laced journal is filled with activities and inspiration to create a happier life.
The One-Minute Gratitude Journal $6.98
This journal has quick, easy prompts that ask you to write down things you’re grateful for or draw something that sparks your interest.
Gratitude Sidekick Journal $27.90
Pages in this journal not only let you reflect on things you’re grateful but also how you feel each day and ways you can improve your self-talk. There’s even a helpful gratitude action of the day at the end of each entry so you can better implement gratitude into your life.
Daily Gratitude Journal $23.95
This beautifully designed journal is filled with prompts for gratitude reflection and positive affirmations along with inspiring quotes, illustrations, and mindfulness exercises to incorporate into your everyday routine.
The Calm & Mindful Notebook $24.95
With daily reflections over a 12-week period, this workbook journal is designed to help you focus on specific areas of your life and become more aware of the present.
Calm the Chaos Journal $14.95
Calm your inner chaos with help from this journal, which features prompts and practices to encourage happiness habits, like self-care, kindness, gratitude, goal setting, and letting go.
The Five Minute Journal $24.95
Spend just five minutes a day filling out the prompts in this journal that’ll help you shift your mind to a state of optimism.
Two Minute Mornings: A Journal to Win Your Day Every Day $15.95
Start your morning out right with this journal designed to help you “win the day” with written exercises that facilitate mindfulness and assist in the creation of a constructive daily focus.
Moleskine Classic Notebook $19.95
If you want to reap the benefits of gratitude journaling without the pressure to follow a certain schedule or prompts, you can always implement the practice with a blank notebook, like the classic Moleskine.
xx, The FabFitFun Team