We know the job search isn’t easy…but more than that, perfecting your résumé can be an entire feat in itself. Do you include your alma mater? Should you list every single one of your skills? Does it even matter if you list your references?
Before you stress out (because we’ve all been there), we asked an expert aka FabFitFun’s Senior Recruiter Angela Mayhew about what really matters on a résumé.
So get ready to clean up your résumé and land your dream job!
Highlight your technical skills. “My biggest thing that people don’t put on résumés is highlighting their technical skills. List all of them even though some may seem like common sense, like software tools. Remember, recruiters are looking for keywords, so more keywords the better, i.e. operating systems, social media, industry specific tools.”
Order of résumé matters. “After you’ve been out of school for three years, your most relevant job should be at the top of your résumé and education should move down to the bottom. Skills should either be at the top or bottom so it’s very easy to read. If you’re applying for a job where you don’t have as much relevant experience, put your skillset at the top.”
Location is very important. “It should be very clear where you’re currently located and if you’re willing to relocate as well — at the very least include the city and state.”
Quantify when possible. “For example, you can have a bullet point that says “Made outbound calls for business development,” however, if you put “Made 80 business development calls per day to reach the quota of 75,” that makes it different. So wherever you can add numbers or include how much you’ve been able to grow a customer list or social media platform, recruiters will be able to see what you’re capable of.”
Never list references on the résumé. “References should be a given and it’s actually just taking up space on your résumé when you could put something else. Also, you’re blasting the résumé out with your references’ contact information to so many people — so only provide it when requested.”
xx, The FabFitFun Team