Top image: Milk Bar
There’s nothing more satisfying than an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. Or a freshly baked peach pie at a barbecue. If you love all things sweet just like us, we’ve got five mouthwatering Instagram accounts that you definitely need to follow. In addition to making you want to run to your closest bakery, they’ll also give you heaps of inspiration for your next confectionary making rendezvous!
A cold brew and a chocolate chip cookie? Yes, please! Milk Jar Cookies will perk up your day with their confectionery pics. Located in Los Angeles, they whip up some of the tastiest homemade cookies, ice cream, and more. Our favorite perk is that they serve milk with their fresh baked goods. It seriously doesn’t get any better than that!
helloooo, it’s me (fruity cereal soft serve with crunch!) (? @ana_kary) #nosaddesklunchhere A photo posted by milk bar (@milkbarstore) on
Anyone who’s experienced Milk Bar‘s acclaimed cereal milk soft serve (topped with cornflakes!) can attest that it’s the best dessert you could ever image. Which is why we suggest adding this account to your feed if you haven’t already. But warning: Christina Tosi’s amazing cake, pie, and cookie creations will make you crave all things sweet.
A photo posted by Tessa Huff (@stylesweetca) on
Tessa Huff is pretty much what we like to refer to as the sweet tooth fairy. From these Coconut Cherry Chip Pops to insanely gorgeous cakes, and even appearances of her adorable little family, she’s a breath of fresh air. The best part? She shares recipes for all of her tasty goods on her popular blog, Style Sweet CA.
Nothing beats a slice of homemade pie and a glass of white wine on a hot summer day. If you’re in need of some #piespiration, head on over to The Pie Hole Los Angeles. They’re the brains behind the super popular Earl Grey Tea Pie and many other fun creations.
The No Name. Raised yeast doughnut with chocolate frosting, rice krispies and peanut butter. Credit to the geniuses over at @voodoodoughnutmilehigh for the #gameofthrones reference. #thenoname #jaqenhghar #valarmorghulis #facelessmen #GOT #doughnuts #ricekrispies #peanutbutter #voodoodoughnut #voodoodoughnuts #themagicisinthehole #goodthingscomeinpinkboxes #noname #themanyfacedgod #aryastark A photo posted by Voodoo Doughnut (@voodoodoughnut) on
And last, but definitely not least, Voodoo Doughnut. Because how could we resist their drool-worthy doughnuts and this clever Game of Thrones reference? If you know anything about this place, which originated in Portland, you know that people wait in line forever for these yummy treats. And we sure don’t blame them!
xx, The FabFitFun Team