There has recently been a lot of talk in regards to the transgender community — including trans individuals’ rights to use the bathroom that corresponds with the gender they identify with.

And Caitlyn Jenner is not one to shy away from these issues. She confronted it full on in a video shared on her Facebook on Wednesday.

The video begins with Caitlyn saying, “Oh my god, a trans woman in New York — I gotta take a pee” and then she comes across the Trump Tower. Jenner goes on to say “last week, Donald Trump said I can take a pee anywhere in the Trump facility, so I am gonna go take a pee in the ladies room.” Jenner essentially makes a reference to Donald Trump’s statement about trans individuals and how they should “use the bathroom they feel is appropriate.”

The video follows Jenner to the women’s restroom in the Trump Tower and after she’s finished with her business, Jenner states “by the way Ted, nobody got molested.” Jenner takes a stab at Ted Cruz’s statement when he said that “grown men shouldn’t be in bathrooms with little girls.”

Regardless of who Jenner is voting for, it’s amazing to see her take a stand for the transgender community, especially with the recent passing of HB2.

What are your thoughts on the transgender bathroom policy? Let us know in the comments below!

xx, The FabFitFun Team