If you need help keeping track of your finances, planning out your schedule, or you’re just looking for a safe space to purge your thoughts and feelings — a bullet journal can be your best friend.
This open-ended system of journaling was started by Ryder Carroll and is now being used by leather-bound notebook clutchers all over the world. Some prefer a simple black pen, some are armed with sets and sets of brush-tips — but all are free to create the space they want and need.
If you BUJO (short for bullet journaling) or you simply want to get into it, check out these Instagram accounts for inspiration!
We’re all about Yu’s balance between playful hand lettering and structured text blocks. If you scroll back in her feed, you’ll notice the progression into and out of different aesthetics and themes she uses. And that’s what bullet journaling is all about — the ability to express yourself based on whatever you’re feeling at the time.
Cindy’s bullet journal is ultimate eye candy for the minimalist planner. As one of her captions states, “Simple can be so pleasing to look at. Have you regretted not adding something to your journal? How ’bout the other way around?” One thing we don’t regret? Following Cindy for daily inspo.
There are absolutely no rules when it comes to Roberta’s bullet journal — she experiments with tons of fonts, all the pens and markers, illustration, watercolors, and more! Her YouTube channel (if you speak Italian) is full of great ideas and helpful tips!
If we found a loose page of Denise’s BUJO on the street, we’d frame it. Yep, her work is that beautiful. We love that she sketches out snapshots from her life as she plans and lives it — taking us into a different place and time.
This one’s for the floral-obsessed (aka all of us). Federica’s illustrations are so simple yet detailed and so neat yet spontaneous. Follow her and try to practice your leaves and bouquets too!
Bright colors, unique setups, and cute penmanship? Cristina’s BUJO has it all. If you want to emulate her work, her YouTube can take you through the process.
xx, The FabFitFun Team