Gender equality is, sadly, still a huge issue, even in entertainment where we see so many strong female role models like Mila Kunis. Kunis herself has just written an open letter about the sexism she’s experienced in the entertainment industry, and it hits hard.
Kunis gives two specific examples. One entails a producer telling her that she would “never work in this town again” if she didn’t pose nude on a men’s magazine. Spoiler alert — she said no, and guess who’s still continuously working in “this town?”
In the second, her career is reduced to being called a megastar who is “Ashton Kutcher’s wife and baby momma!!!” as if that is all she amounts to.
Kunis emphasizes that we can’t just sit around waiting for change to come. We cannot settle for compromise. Women are subjected to inequality on a daily basis, and she believes that these issues should be addressed directly.
“I’m done compromising; even more so, I’m done with being compromised. So from this point forward, when I am confronted with one of these comments, subtle or overt, I will address them head on; I will stop in the moment and do my best to educate. I cannot guarantee that my objections will be taken to heart, but at least now I am part of creating an environment where there is the opportunity for growth. And if my comments fall on deaf ears, I will choose to walk away. “
The letter, which can be read in full here, is unwavering and determined. Kunis ends the letter with a powerful statement:
“I will work in this town again, but I will not work with you.”
xx, The FabFitFun Team