After a long day of work/errands/boyfriend drama/cleaning/childcare…you name it…it’s difficult to have the energy and motivation to do a workout. Next time you’re tempted to ditch the gym and begin a new Netflix binge, try these tips to get back on track with your fitness goals:
Work out With a Friend
You’ll be far less likely to ditch if you have committed to someone else that you’ll show up for a workout. Hold each other accountable to stick to your fitness goals.
Stick to a Regular Weekly Schedule
Do workouts at the same time of day and on the same days each week. They will become part of your routine, and you’ll be more likely to schedule other plans around your habitual workouts. Treat gym time as “me time.”
Track Your Progress
Keep a weekly record of your progress. When you’re conscious of how far you’ve come in your fitness goals, you’ll be motivated to keep going.
Bring the Gym to You
Do one of these at-home workouts. When you don’t have to leave your apartment or home to go to the gym, you really have no excuse not to do a workout.
xoxo, Workout Girl
For the latest and greatest info on workouts, be sure to check out TheWorkoutGirl.com!
This story was written by a fab member of our Ambassador Network.