Feature Image by Derick McKinney

You’ve probably heard that you’re supposed to have protein directly after a workout, as it helps to repair the damage that exercise causes to your muscles’ cells.

While consuming protein after a workout can be a useful tool to aid recovery and solidify the results you’re after, how important is it actually? And how much protein should you really eat?

Below, we’re sharing everything you should know about adding protein to your post-workout nutrition plan.

Anabolic window
Right after a workout, you’re in the “anabolic window,” which is a short 30-minute window of time where nutrition can shift the body from a catabolic state (muscle being broken down) to an anabolic state (muscle mass being built and maintained). Therefore, eating protein during this window can help speed up recovery.

On the other hand, nutrient-timing research has shown mixed results as far as how important it is to pound protein and carbs immediately after a workout. Studies indicate that two groups of people performing the same workout – one group given a protein shake before and one group given the shake after –had the same improved strength results after a 10-week period.

How much to eat
Eating protein throughout your day is a healthy part of many diets, and changes to your body are truly made in the kitchen. You can calculate how much protein you should be consuming daily by multiplying your weight by .36 or by using an online protein calculator.

xx, The FabFitFun Team

Not sure how to get your full serving of protein each day? Here are five easy ways to sneak more protein into your diet.