Women deserve an equal chance to pursue their goals, however big or small they may be.
That’s why we’re so excited to work with Dress for Success® this season. They help women achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, development tools and professional attire to help them thrive in their personal and professional lives.
Here’s how you can help:
Get involved
Whether you become a volunteer or corporate partner, host a personal or professional development workshop, or donate gently used clothes, there are many ways to help Dress for Success advance its mission. Learn more at dressforsuccess.org/get-involved.
Support Your Hour, Her Power
In honor of International Women’s Day on March, 8, 2020, Dress for Success will highlight stories of women who have benefitted from the organization’s programs and services. You can donate one hour of your pay to help a woman gain access to services that will help her secure a job. Learn more at yourhourherpower.org.
And of the participants in Dress for Success’ signature programs:
- 23% are promoted within one year
- 76% secure employment
- 80% reduce debt
Learn more about how you can be involved in helping a woman achieve economic independence at dressforsuccess.org.
xx, The FabFitFun Team